Sunday, May 15, 2011

Treeing Walker Coon Hounds

Treeing Walker Coon Hounds are a breed of dog comes from the English Foxhound, first recognized as a breed in 1945. The race began when a stolen dog of unknown origin, known as "Tennessee Lead", was crossed in the Walker Hound in 1800. Thomas Walker had imported the English Foxhound to Virginia in 1742.

Coon breed of dog are extremely fast, agile and tireless in the pursuit of game. They are extremely vocal with a distinctive cry that allowsOwners to easily identify their dogs from great distances.

Coby Electroinc

Treeing Walker coon dogs are not like the cold nose as other breeds, therefore, is an ideal dog for hunting competition, because only the smell, in general, the ability to warm raccoon tracks. If the pleasure of the hunt on the opposite side of the dog walker is not always the perfect dog because they sometimes lack the ability to track a cold or old to work.

These dogs are also known for his dogs tree. That is, they are sometimesless accurate than other breeds. This can sometimes be frustrating when the training of these dogs because trees can often smooth or empty. Do not worry, with a little 'encouragement' coon hunters can reduce the bad habit.

Treeing Walker Coon Hounds are the post popular breeds of dog, raccoon, and for this reason they have some of the most impressive pedigree. This breed is very likely in the coming decades of other breeds in the bloodline Department.In addition, coon, as mentioned above Walker is a very popular choice for the competition are huncters. Personally, my favorite race is the Treeing Walker Coon Hound.

Treeing Walker Coon Hounds

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